Essential information about visiting Museum of Norwich

The Museum of Norwich is a gem of a museum with extensive and varied displays about the local and social history of Norwich.
The essentials
- School visits must be booked in advance
- School events can be run Tuesday to Friday
- Teacher-led visit: two hours
- Maximum group size: 45 pupils
- Programme and resources for: Key stages 1, 2 and 3
- Free entry for schools in Norfolk in term-time, £2.40 per child outside term-time. UK schools outside Norfolk £2.40 per child.
- Cancellation and minimum fees Information (PDF, 148 KB)
- Privacy Information (PDF, 113 KB)
Museum overview
- Housed in a former merchant's house and Bridewell, or prison
- Displays are over two floors and encircle an attractive courtyard
- Social history of the people of Norwich from the middle ages to the present day
- Trade and industry including shoe-making and weaving
- Museum shop with pocket-money items
- Drop-off point a minute's walk away on St Andrews Street
Facilities for schools
- Indoor picnic area with coat and bag storage. Courtyard for summer picnics. Please note: the indoor picnic area is small so you may need to stagger lunchtimes
- Accessible toilets
- Lift
- Displays fully accessible
- Please discuss wheelchair access on booking
Bookings and information
Booking is essential for all school visits, and we'd recommend usually enquiring a term in advance.
If you'd like to make a booking, contact or 01603 493636, and have the following information to hand
- The name and postcode of your school
- The number of students you want to bring
- Their year group(s)
- The number of accompanying adults
- The type of visit you're interested in
- Which half-term/term you'd like to visit
- Whether anyone in the group has any learning or access needs
- For workshops, half-day events or self-guided visits, whether you'd like a space to eat packed lunches. If you visit for a full-day event, you'll automatically be assigned a lunch space